Reckless Driving Charge

Reckless driving occurs when an individual operates a motor vehicle in a dangerous and negligent manner. Driving recklessly is a misdemeanor criminal offense that is punishable by high fines and/or imprisonment and the suspension or revocation of one’s driver’s license. Careless and improper driving are also traffic offenses, but they carry fewer legal repercussions than reckless driving.

Sometimes, reckless driving takes place when an individual’s mental state leads him/her to behave and operate his/her automobile in an irresponsible manner. Even though a driver may be behaving normally and is not in a reckless mental state, if he or she is driving in a way that is unlawful, it can still be considered reckless driving.

When driving is labeled reckless “de jure,” or by law, it often refers exclusively to excessive speeding violations. In many jurisdictions, driving more than 20 miles per hour above the posted speed limit is considered reckless driving. In other places, driving over 80 miles per hour is considered reckless driving de jure. This means that even if a driver a is driving straight, using the turn signal, and yielding to traffic, he or she can be pulled over and charged with reckless driving.

It is easy to spot a reckless driver while on the road. These drivers are likely to change lanes frequently, speed, tailgate, and swerve. Studies have shown that reckless drivers are more likely to play music at a level that is audible to other drivers and will use their horns to move other drivers out of the way more often than non-reckless drivers. Reckless driving is most prevalent in male drivers under the age of 25.

You can protect yourself against the threat of reckless drivers in a number of ways. Law enforcers suggest driving in the lane farthest away from the driver in question and reducing your speed so that the driver may pass you. If the driver’s recklessness is extreme, pull over until they have passed and alert law enforcement.